Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Currently Listening:
Red Hands
Act II: The Meaning of & All Things Regarding Ms. Leading
The Dear Hunter

Well the new semester has finally gotten underway. I'm fully "in the grind" with my class times and schedules. And I'm extremely excited about the prospect that this is my last semester in high school and in Roseville California.
At the same time I'm scared to death about moving away to LA. Due to the fact I've never even moved in my entire life. And have gone to the same church stream for 11 years........
It's a bit of a

haha but that's okay makes things more interesting ya know?

In other news. My dad just acquired us a 12 string alverez that looks and sounds BEAUTIFUL.
I already got a raaaaad chord progression that is beggin for lyrics.
I'm not sure what subject to write on yet, but that's okay. I still have to finish recording vocals for Tethers.

And I've been meaning to do that sense the week after the whole "Lung" thing haha.

Thank God for getting me out before christmas. That whole experience really showed me how faithful God is.

Hallelujah to that sukkas.

Now it's time to hit up "the screwtape letters", finish my delicious Bloom Coffee, and then hang out with TJ YELLEK(aka jt kelley)

Can you dig it?


Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Currently Listening:
Where The Light Is (Live In L.A.)
John Mayer

I've hit a writers block musically.
Not lyrically, cause I just wrote lyrics to a song that are pretty good.
But musically.


I do not like this. Lets hope I can get some ideas soon.
I believe!

P.S Anybody who's anybody should get "where the light is" by john mayer.


Sunday, January 11, 2009

To Emmah.

Currently Listening:
Into The Night
A Beautiful Life

Yes your name shall always be spelled that way. I hope you've learn to cope with that by now. And yes I still listen to that song. It's a fav.
Because of you I'm getting six hours of sleep of which I'll probably wake up in before I play three church services + practice spanning from 7-3.
I'm also intensely sore from snowboarding with you and with my gimp lung.
I'm not getting a chance to shower tomorrow morning.
I'm also in debt of one jam session
And I'm bone broke.

I'll miss you like hell lass haha, life's more interesting with lack of sleep and good times, is what I always say.

Now it's time for dreamy dreams

G'night all.


Friday, January 9, 2009

E Minor

Currently Listening:
All Is Full Of Love
The Stability E.P.
Death Cab For Cutie

You know that feeling you get right before you just give up? That feeling of persiverence? That feeling that conincides with all your warning lights and signs? It's one of those feelings I normally listen to and heed. Cause in the end it works out. But I am not quite sure if I will this time. Cause frankly, I'm though with this. I definitely don't call this working out.

Some call it setting your self apart and a "'blessing".
I call it fear mixed with bad luck and a sick sense of divine comedy. Welcome to reality kids.

All is full of love
You just ain't recieving
All is full of love
But your phone is off the hook
All is full of love
But your doors are all shut
All is full of love.....