Friday, January 9, 2009

E Minor

Currently Listening:
All Is Full Of Love
The Stability E.P.
Death Cab For Cutie

You know that feeling you get right before you just give up? That feeling of persiverence? That feeling that conincides with all your warning lights and signs? It's one of those feelings I normally listen to and heed. Cause in the end it works out. But I am not quite sure if I will this time. Cause frankly, I'm though with this. I definitely don't call this working out.

Some call it setting your self apart and a "'blessing".
I call it fear mixed with bad luck and a sick sense of divine comedy. Welcome to reality kids.

All is full of love
You just ain't recieving
All is full of love
But your phone is off the hook
All is full of love
But your doors are all shut
All is full of love.....

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