Sunday, December 28, 2008


Currently Listening:

Well tomorrow I am finally off "Lung Lockdown" as I like to call it.
Bittersweet though due to the fact I have an appointment with my Psychiatrist Dr. Hendren.
Whom I haven't been to in three years.
Btw if you forgot or are unaware I have a mild cause of Aspergers Syndrome. Which is a form of autism and I take madication for it.
I've been taking the same stuff for about five years and it works perfect and my body has come acustomed to it.
Unfortunately, it has side effects. These are always being Tired. (Which I always am) and Crappy memory. (Which I have). So I it's bittersweet but I'm okay with it.
Tomorrow I go in and we are going to "evaluate" me. Which alone freaks me out.
And then most likely change my medication which freaks me out alot. Cause that means a "switch" which includes getting off my current and getting on a new one. This usually involves fun stuff like withdrawls and freaking out body. Not excited at all.
And really really really apprehensive about it. Cause I have a hard enough time with missing two doseages (which is just one day. I take one in the morn and one at night)
So please pray it all goes smoothly.

God, I'm done with Doctors; first a tube and now this.
Hah, I think I'm good for the rest of 2009 on the whole doctor thing ya know?

Now for some great insomnia and moby to calm my thoughts.
Custom westone in-ears anyone?
Yes me please : ).

Music On World Off


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