Monday, December 1, 2008

Recording Break.

Currently Listening:
The Simple Life
The Begining Demos
Taylor Fine

I'm recording my second demo right now called "The Simple Life"

It's kinda Jason Mraz-ish. I like it.

My fingers unfortunately don't, and after about six tries I decided to take a break.

Usually things go a lot smoother but this song is givin' me trouble. But that's good means it's creative.

I'm pretty sure I'll have it done today. I just have to record my Rythmn Acoustic, Lead Acoustic on Bridge (the only place there is a lead), Bass, and then lastly Vocals.

Should be a good song. I'm gunna add a tambourine to it tomorrow. I'm going to have my friend JT do it just cause he's radical and I promised him he'd always play tambourine on my songs haha.

Anyhoo, I'll post up the lyrics for you guys and then tomorrow a link to my music myspace to hear it.
It will be freely downloadable by the way. So here you go.

The Simple Life
By Taylor Fine
It seems that these days I’m lookin’ at the sky
And I wonder if at this speed, it’ll change from blue to white
Oh, everything’s just flyin past me
Whatever happened to the simple life
OH what ever happened to a simple life

(now just slow down and I’ll tell you what happened)

It all started when we were young
And all of are finger paintings began to become
Rembrandts from stick figures that caused us to laugh
Oh, our preschool chants became 32 piece orchestras with funny names, no, no, no nothin’s the same
Now I got nothin’ against growin up, I’ve got everything against trading in my cup
of orange juice for a glass of wine, oh I’m just Fine
The way I am, much to the dismay of uncle sam, I don’t drop the coin in the can
Oh, our playground fights about who’s lunch box is more outasight
Have turned into wars about politics, religion and oh my heart is sore
You say you’re so mature, you may have some facial hair but I am sure
That you never really grew up on the inside, Mr. High So high
Get off your throne, leave us common people alone, we hang up our phones
We don’t have to be involved in your hierarchy, so just go back to cutting down tree’s and pavin concrete over all our memories.
Our multiplyin’ two by two is now what does that hott blondie think about you, Oh she loves you, it’s true,
but don’t get all obsessed on all of that mess just calm down level out.
(Funk Instrumental Bridge)

It seems that these days I’m lookin’ at the sky
And I wonder if at this speed, it’ll change from blue to white
Oh, everything’s just flyin past me

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