Thursday, December 18, 2008

Money Matters.

Currently Listening:
You're Fairer Than The Sons Of Man
John Thurlow
IHOP Streaming

So as of two days ago I had about 11 dollars to my name.

Unfortunately it's not March. It'd December so I was intenstely worried about making enough money for my friends and family's gifts.

On top of that I dropped my gutiar on the tile steps yesterday and that's going to cost me a bit too. And I have to repair it cause I was planning on selling next week to have my Gibson Acoustic by christmas.

This won't be happening.
But that's okay.

Anyways. I was really worried and last friday we had a guest speaker and a really good friend of mine come and speak at youth about his serving in cambodia. At the end they asked for an offering. I myself am very insecure about giving money in tithe and offering cause I know I barely make enough to get by and I litterally can't get a job. It's not me being lazy. I literally can't.

But I decided after a little prayer to give him the little I had.
Anyways the week went on and I happen to come across by surprise 15 dollars from extra gas money and thought that was cool. But I still was like "Well God I'm going to need about 200$ so I can actually give gifts to the people who bend over backwards to help and give to me".

I just got an email that I along with a few others will be blessed in the fact that I will be getting payed 50$ every weekend I play at my church. And I get a check for november. I am so overjoyed right now. I can't explain how happy I am right now in the fact that when I wake up on Christmas morning there will be a present for someone from me. Which I was seriously doubting.
And there was one other person I needed to give a gift too. And I can probably repair my guitar with decembers check. Thank God. I haven't got a legitimate paycheck from somebody in months.
And my previous job went under too. So I'm really glad God didn't leave me high and dry.

Anyways. I got the little semi formal youth dinner tomorrow night at church.
I'm pretty stoked I love dressing up. I always over due it a bit. But tomorrow night I think I'll actually stick with the semi formal-ish. Anyways, should be good. I wonder how our video turned out sense they had to almost completely re-edit it.

Anyways enough banter.

That will be all.


1 comment:

Emma said...

Trusting in God to provide is one of the most rewarding things.
It is definately taking things out of your own hands and putting it in His!
Haha I am here. Hopefully hang out tomorrow? I'm keen for anytime after 11am. Just tell me a time and I'll try and think of some things to do. Or you think of some.