Thursday, December 25, 2008


Currently Listening:
All Is Fulll Of Love
The Photo Album
Death Cab For Cutie

Well I'm chilling in my own bedroom.
Which is awesome considering I shouldn't've (can I do that gramatically? haha) gotton out of the hospital till tomorrow. But overnight my condition rapidly increased so I'm good. I feel great now. I think the therapy of being at home is the best cure to any problem.
Stupid lungs lol.

Anyways. No Christmas spoils to report cept Emmah's rad T-shirt which wasn't my size hahaha. But It'll still work. And I got an iHome from my bro in law and sis. Cept Yesterday my sister and mum lost my iTouch. FAIL.
So that's kindof.........ironic.
Anyways. I got my stocking full of candy, coffee, giftcard for coffee, really nice shampoo and conidtionair.

Yay. Christmas is going to be next Thursday (new years day) sense none of us shopped before my lung incedint. And we couldn't shop while I was in the hospital with "the tube" lol.

So yes, it's great to be home.

I'm going to be shopping for my three gifts this weekend too, wish me luck in finding my dad's should be a bit challenging.

On a side note, I've become intensely rusty and my electric guitar work. GAH, songs I could just dish out have become a bit hard. So I gotta work on that I bit. My jamming flow is bad.
At least I know I can just pick up my drumsticks or acoustic or bass and feel better about myself. But still, I gotta practice that sucker.
And I had to replace the A string and accidentally put an E string in its place.



1 comment:

Emma said...

Yay for going home earlier than expected. I'm stoked you got to go home before Christmas.

And don't worry about getting me a present! The music is enough!

We're having a chill day here. Real laid back.
Haha it snowed for Christmas!