Friday, February 27, 2009


Currently Listening:
John Mayer
Where The Light Is (Live In Los Angles)

I wish I could just start this whole year over.

It's been really hard but just to change that one thing I said, so we'd still be good friends would be worth it.

So on a less depressing but still depressing note, I'm competely overwhelmed.
I have the scholarship to practice for
I have sunday worship and practice
youth worship and practice
and RHOP set
I have to fix my car sense it got sideswiped intensely.
I have school and graduating a year early and it's fun-ness
I have stuff to do at home.
and appearently my parents still want me to get Eagle
My lung is now fully healed but I still get pains when stressed out, nervous, and I can't do anything to active.
aaannnnnd I'm switching back to my old medication due to the new medications epic fail.

And all of this would be much easier to bare but there are two things that just kill me.
A. My parents don't aknowledge a single thing I do and just focus on the bad that happens. All I want them to say is "Good Job" that's it.
That's it.
But they don't know those words.
and you already know B.

But unfortuntely I can't restart this dreadful year. So I gotta make do and get by. I'll make it through this long rough season.
Hopefully I'll make it through okay.

Geh, why do I always know the exact thing I shouldn't say.
Then say it.

I think it's time to go to bed.

Oh how long, how long, how long?
How long before I burn away?


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