Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Recent Happenings.

Currently Listening
The Scene and Herd
The Birds and The Bee Sides
Relient K

So lately I've been up to a LOT musically. Even though I was sick for two weeks. I manage to come across the oppertunity to snag a little 4,000$ scholarship for Drumming and knowing a little theory. Which is pretty rad. THUSLY. My drum set has been pimped out.
New kick head so my kick sounds RAD
New 3ply snare head so my snare sounds SEXY.
and then two toms and my crunkadelic high hats and ride.
So I'm pretty happy.
But that doesn't come with a price. Cause I'm definitely practicing EVERY day again, along with my youth practice's, RHOP, sunday practice's, and sunday worship. So It's intense, but so worth it. It's so rad to see how God's opened all these doors one by one when I thought all of mine were closed shut.
He's a pretty rad guy ya know?

In other news I have a new song "in the works". I unfortunately can't record drums, so I just did an Acoustic Version with bassing. And pentatonically solo'd my way into the stratosphere, leaving mere mortal bass's behind :P.
So yes it's call Love Or Logic. The basic jist of the lyrics is irony haha. Even though it's not evident. But it's about using your head when you have the chance to persue a relationship instead of your heart.
Which is what I've done pretty much forever. Cept once recently. But then they did what I usually do.
Hence the Irony haha. But anyways I dig it. It's on a alverez twelve string guitar with a musicman bass through a carvin amp with an swr head. So thusly it sounds WICKED : D.

It'll be up by next week cause I still gotta do vocals when I'm not sickly like.

To end I'll post the lyrics.

Love Or Logic
By Taylor Fine
You Got Me Spinin’ Around and Around
I don’t know if I should analyze this or let it down
But I don’t want to give up on what I said
I don’t want to leave us for dead
But time ain’t on our side
You’ve got feelings tryin to hide
But just let them go
Just let your heart take over your head
Tradin’ love for logic is like tradin life for death
I don’t wanna say goodbye
I just want you to say you love me one more time
One More Time
You say you don’t want us to get hurt
My dear you’re being much to careful with your words
And I don’t need space
All need a touch of your grace
I want you to know I never could hate you
And I need you to believe it when I say I love you

Just let your heart take over your head
Tradin’ logic for loves like tradin life for death
I don’t wanna say goodbye
I just want you to say you love me one more time
One More Time
Love or logic? (repeat)
(I’ll go either way)
(But please listen when I say)
Choose Wisely Baby.

Just let your heart take over your head
Tradin’ logic for loves like tradin life for death
I don’t wanna say goodbye
I just want you to say you love me one more time
One More Time

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