Thursday, October 30, 2008

I woke up to a car accident.

My neighbor backed into my front right fender,

First off this was not my fault. I was parked right in front of my house 8 inches from the curb, nice and legally.
So yeah, it went like this

Taylor's Mum: "Taylor, You up?"
Taylor In Bed Sleeping: "yeeaaahhh"
Taylor's Mum: Well the neighbor backed into your car, it got hit.

Taylor In Bed Sleeping: "mmmmmmmk, thanks"

*Taylor depressed stays in bed cause he went to sleep at 2 AM and thinks he's still dreaming*
*Taylor goes to shower*
*Taylor goes outside to make sure it was just a dream*

Taylor sees Nice fatty cantelope size indentation with plenty o' white paint scratches and paint chips.

For those of you who knew I got in a car accident my first week of driving I'm guessing you're thinking this too.


You suuuccckkkk Buddha.

to make it better my mum is freaking out in the other room on the phone saying we're going to become a socialist country. Some people just need to take a politik break. geeehhh it bugs me I need headphones.

Monday, October 27, 2008

La Breakdown.

So pretty much LA was radical, I wish I was still there. But as we all know there is this thing called school and this other thing called a calender.

GEH. It's just another manic monday. hehe.

Anyways here's the dilly-bo-nilly on what went down in la.

Got there wed night and went right to bed, it was 11 pm haha.
Thursday we went to ventura beach and chilled down there and went into town to check out shops and I got a rad shirt with a dove on it. I found out the day after that it was a band shirt and the dudes name was in smallish print on the side. I have yet to listen to it lol.
We then went home and watched the office. I didn't like this weeks episode. Didn't make me laugh to much and I just didn't fancy it. Not super good script writing.
Friday I went to Masters Uni and checked it out.
IT'S AMAZING : D. I'm so excited to go there. It's basically in stone now I'm going to be moving there end of next Aug. and started my freshman year on campus I'll be dorming it up. I sat in their music theory 1 class and understood the vast majority so that was cool. Made me feel smart :P. Their music programme is astounding. I was intensely impressed. I thought it was going to be so-so, but I was happily prooved wrong. I plan on majoring in music and minoring in history there. Also everone there was suprisingly nice and chill and cool. Anyhoo later that day we went to a year 10-11 football game cause my mates sister teaches at that teams highschool.
If you don't know already I personally hate watching football unless there are these things present.
The San Francisco 49er's
People to go outside and chill with so I can just pop back in half way through the 3rd quarter
And interesting playing.

This game had none of these factors and frankly the team sucked :P haha. Bad day for Hart JV football (by football I mean the American football Emmah [and yes that is how I will always spell your name]) But I've heard they've had betterdays so I guess that was an off Friday.
So after that we went to a classical concert for the uni and the choral arragement was ridiculous. They did some stuff that was just like.
"What the crap??!?!?" haha. so tight.

Then Saturday was downtown santa monica shopping. And I got a sweeeeet scarf and another rad shirt. That night was BJ's and then I watched a movie with my mate back at the apartment. The new James Bond I still think is a bit iffy I have to get used to him. But he plays good poker heh.
Then Sunday we drove back home to good ol' sactown and I went to my bud Sarah's Birthday party. Hot Tubbin Fun.

That's pretty much it. Now I have my week full of exams, yay. So far I got an A on my first sign quiz I have another in Wednesday I have studying for my Music Recording mid term exam and studying for my Uni Exam (SAT) all week and then SAT Saturday and Mid Term next Tuesday.


Now back to SAT studying and IHOP streaming goodness :)


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Politik (the only one)

Now I'm not a big person to get involved with politics cause I thing they are overdeltwith but after today I had to vent somewhere.

This blog is my personal Beliefs and some myths and logicstics people need to know.
NOTE: This is not a dem hating blog please if you are a democrat continue to read. We might not share the same views but that's okay.
If you are a Republican and most importantly a Christian Republican please read this entire blog and don't get mad at the ending.

BeforeI begin I want to state please ignore some of my horrific grammatical errors! Thank you.
As many of you know the American Election this year is between to unlikely pairs of people. On The Democratic Ticket we have possibly the first Black President Barak Hussien Obama and another classic old grey white guy Joe Biden.
The Republican ticket we have the classic (very) old white guy John McCain and possible the first woman to have the title of "president" in their job discription: Sarah Palin.
Lets sort out the uneccecary arguments first.
If you vote for McCain you are not a racist.
if you vote Obama you are not a sexist.
I just want to drill that in to your little heads. Racism and Sexism has nothing to do with this election. (or it has a .000009 percent value)

Now I personally believe that voting for McCain would be the best choice for America cause that Obama basically would make this the peoples republic of north america haha.
of course I'm exaggerating but to a length he would put into action a plethera of socialistic views.
E.G. Universal Health Care. There is a reason people from Canada come to the US of A to get surgery.
"Spreading The Wealth" this is the very concept of Socialism. You tax the wealthy (who worked hard and diligently to earn their money) and you give it to the poor (who generally didn't work as hard). Now I do realize there are flaws in that statement cause there is the occasional person who just stumbled blindly into wealth and ther is the person who stumbled blindly into poverty. But honestly anything is possible if you throw away all the stereotypes of American Society and make something of yourself.
Another subject he wants to introduce is that we should negoiate with our enimeis.
As I remember he said that he would sit down with Rual Castro (The Bad one of the Castro brothers) Of Cuba and talk out our differences.
To bad he'd shoot you if you got within 1 mile of him.
Obama in inexperienced in this area of foreign relations obviously.
And of course I'm pro-life and pro-traditional-marrige (the latter as of today that issue is wavering in my mind) and obama is the opposite.

Now that I have introduced some simple Logic into your intensly brainwashed and media infected mind here is something for the Right Wing Christians. (sorry if I offend you. But I most likely will)

If Obama Is Elected Jesus Is Not Coming Back. haha. I understand this election has a great deal wavering on it cause of the supreme court justices but seriously, one day a Democratic President will be elected. There two parties. and the trend lately has been around every two terms a switch.
E.G Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush.
America has had a lot of Republican influence and they want something new. So this might just be them trying to get their feet wet into some other ideals.
So please, calm down. It's just 8 years (max). And for all we know in four years Sarah Palin could be running for president and clean up Obama and the Democratic Congress's mess.
If Obama is elected our country will have Democratic overload and they will bounce back for sure.

Now to Dispell some myths.
A. I understand there is publicity going on to the fact that Obama might not be an American born citizen. I could be wrong be people lets get real here. Do you really think this man would gamble his entire future away?
And so soon. I mean he's only been in the senate for 8 years. Come'on I think if he would take this gamble he'd build up some credibitlity and some experience first.
I think the inmagination of the republicans (and the random democrat filing said lawsuit)
have wandered a little to far
Which brings me to this issue I faced today. (Ironically in downtown santa monica haha) I was talking to a friend of mine and they stated that since the democrats have control of congress and if Barack became president that they would overrule the Constitional Admendment that states "you can only serve as president for two terms". This brought me to the edge. Have you people literally gone insane? I understand that our country is turning in a bad direction. But we are not a socailistic totalitarian government!!!!! Seriously our country goes through good times and bad times. (to our point of view). There are other people in America that don't think just like you.
They are not you "enemy" and they will get their chance to try their views in American government.
we are a democracy created for the people by the people and let me quote one of my favourite lines in literature ever written.

"All Men Are Created Equal And Endowed By Their Creator With Certian Unlienable Rights, Amoung These are Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit Of Happiness" - Thomas Jefferson the Decrelation Of Independance.

This is a free country in which everyone gets their say.
Now for you Democrats this might be your time to shine.
for you Republicans you'll get another chance.
We go in and out.

Just because Barack might win doesn't me we become the U.S.S.R and in 30 years Jesus Comes back on a white horse.
(don't me started on the end times by the way hahah)

So Relax, and please by all means.
Vote for your Ideals and for your Beliefs!
May the best man win in this country with freedom for all!

God Bless You! God Bless America! And God Bless Fender Guitars!!!

Your friendly neighborhood indoctrinator,


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Going To La La Land!

Currently Listening:
Helter Skelter
The White Album
The Beatles

First off here is a deep thought to think of. Me and Lana figured out on Sunday that:

"Normality Is Realitive"

Think about it........think about it long..............think about it hard........chew on it..................keep chewin........soak it.............marinate it..........give it flavour in your thought process..............
.................okay enough digesting Lana and I's deep introspective philosophy.

I'm going to be heading out on a grand voyage (all of 8 hours) tomorrow.
I'm hittin up the good ol' Los Angeles. There is a uni down there I'm going to be checking out. I'll also be chillaxin at the beach, shopping for radicalbadical clothes (mostly scarves since I own only one currently heh). I even might be going to six flags magic mountian.
Which would be TIGHT. Last time I was there (two years ago) it was pretty fun.
Plus I'll be missing two days of school who can go wrong there?

So I'm pretty excited, should be a good adventure.
There is one downside though. That would have to be something that came alot faster than I thought it would..........



Saturday, October 18, 2008


So I was planing tonight to go to an art thing on vernon street in roseville but it was a high price gig it wasn't free so I thought.
"oh well, I guess I'll just go to first service and leave and not do second"
so I go to sit in first and it starts off with this.

"Now I'm really happy I'm preaching on this and not what I was supposed to.
Which was 'Mother Wounds' *vast majority of church laughs*"
and he continues on that subject and how he's glad he didn't preach it.

Now for some of you I'm pretty sure you know where this is going.
Mother wounds is probably one of the largest struggles I've had and still have.
Me and my mum have had some intense and horrible times. But we've gotten alot better.
now I understand that he didn't want to preach it cause he had no back round with it I hold Nothing against him. What confuses me is that the church laughed.
more than once.
I mean seriously, I figured there had to be someother people that struggled with that I know I can't be the only one. But at the same time

Why'd they laugh? Is it that feeble and uncommon of a matter.

I really don't know what to make of this.....


Friday, October 17, 2008

32 C today

Currently Listening:
The Grey man
You Are My Sunshine

This is ridiculous.
It's about almost a whole month into the fall season.
And I'm positive it must've hit at least 32 C today.

I'm kindof upset at the fact I was wearing a scarf and a coat last Friday cause it was so cold.

Stupid PMSing Sacramento haha.

But it's all good cause I just purchased Copeland's "You Are My Sunshine" box set!
It's one of my all time favourite bands new album/box. It comes with the album/notes/live footage/and the making of and their new music video.
If you want to hear it check out.
"The Grey Man" at
Such good music!

I'm at peet's coffee and tea now enjoying some iced green tea with honey and am about to get my hair cut. A bit above the eyebrow. So it should be nice. I'm excited, I love short hair now.

That's my Friday update, LA and Masters Uni visit in five days!!!


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Blogging? (My Break From Music)

Currently Jamming To:
Blackholes and Revelations

Haven't done this for about a good year.
Thought I might wanna bring back the baseline if you know what I mean.

I think I'll mainly use this for posting new songs up and for just random ramblings.
Nothing better than long stringed out thoughts.

: ).

So I'll start out right now with my recent life happenings.

I am one week into my break from music. I am doing it for three weeks. Cause I believe that God wants me to get down to the roots of our relationship so I can find him in the secret place again. To kindof "Nudge" me into this season my wrists,shoulders, and ankles have all be in PAIN. Randomly too. So for my saftey I stopped. But then when I went to the service at the local House Of Prayer. I realized that God is doing a little interuption in my life. Cause honestly the whole gind of worship, school, and socail. Had gotton really monotonous. And I wanted something fresh.
Well God answered me there haha.
So now I'm having amazing personal times with God and He is doing a lot of renovation and taking me deeper.
So this break definitely was His will and it's a rad, good feeling you get when you know you're in God's will.
(Much to the dismay of the six different worship leaders I'm on call for)

Prayer would be nice for this Saturday. I have to play the two saturday services cause they couldn't find a replacement. There sitll might be a chance Brian Kane can play for just one more week before I start playing in his place. Which would be a hudge blessing to know I wouldn't have to strain my muscles or break my break haha.

So yeah that will be all :)

And I'm waiting patiently
