Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Going To La La Land!

Currently Listening:
Helter Skelter
The White Album
The Beatles

First off here is a deep thought to think of. Me and Lana figured out on Sunday that:

"Normality Is Realitive"

Think about it........think about it long..............think about it hard........chew on it..................keep chewin........soak it.............marinate it..........give it flavour in your thought process..............
.................okay enough digesting Lana and I's deep introspective philosophy.

I'm going to be heading out on a grand voyage (all of 8 hours) tomorrow.
I'm hittin up the good ol' Los Angeles. There is a uni down there I'm going to be checking out. I'll also be chillaxin at the beach, shopping for radicalbadical clothes (mostly scarves since I own only one currently heh). I even might be going to six flags magic mountian.
Which would be TIGHT. Last time I was there (two years ago) it was pretty fun.
Plus I'll be missing two days of school who can go wrong there?

So I'm pretty excited, should be a good adventure.
There is one downside though. That would have to be something that came alot faster than I thought it would..........



1 comment:

Emma said...

I know. Uni seems so close! I start in just over 4 months =/
I don't know whether it's good or bad.