Monday, October 27, 2008

La Breakdown.

So pretty much LA was radical, I wish I was still there. But as we all know there is this thing called school and this other thing called a calender.

GEH. It's just another manic monday. hehe.

Anyways here's the dilly-bo-nilly on what went down in la.

Got there wed night and went right to bed, it was 11 pm haha.
Thursday we went to ventura beach and chilled down there and went into town to check out shops and I got a rad shirt with a dove on it. I found out the day after that it was a band shirt and the dudes name was in smallish print on the side. I have yet to listen to it lol.
We then went home and watched the office. I didn't like this weeks episode. Didn't make me laugh to much and I just didn't fancy it. Not super good script writing.
Friday I went to Masters Uni and checked it out.
IT'S AMAZING : D. I'm so excited to go there. It's basically in stone now I'm going to be moving there end of next Aug. and started my freshman year on campus I'll be dorming it up. I sat in their music theory 1 class and understood the vast majority so that was cool. Made me feel smart :P. Their music programme is astounding. I was intensely impressed. I thought it was going to be so-so, but I was happily prooved wrong. I plan on majoring in music and minoring in history there. Also everone there was suprisingly nice and chill and cool. Anyhoo later that day we went to a year 10-11 football game cause my mates sister teaches at that teams highschool.
If you don't know already I personally hate watching football unless there are these things present.
The San Francisco 49er's
People to go outside and chill with so I can just pop back in half way through the 3rd quarter
And interesting playing.

This game had none of these factors and frankly the team sucked :P haha. Bad day for Hart JV football (by football I mean the American football Emmah [and yes that is how I will always spell your name]) But I've heard they've had betterdays so I guess that was an off Friday.
So after that we went to a classical concert for the uni and the choral arragement was ridiculous. They did some stuff that was just like.
"What the crap??!?!?" haha. so tight.

Then Saturday was downtown santa monica shopping. And I got a sweeeeet scarf and another rad shirt. That night was BJ's and then I watched a movie with my mate back at the apartment. The new James Bond I still think is a bit iffy I have to get used to him. But he plays good poker heh.
Then Sunday we drove back home to good ol' sactown and I went to my bud Sarah's Birthday party. Hot Tubbin Fun.

That's pretty much it. Now I have my week full of exams, yay. So far I got an A on my first sign quiz I have another in Wednesday I have studying for my Music Recording mid term exam and studying for my Uni Exam (SAT) all week and then SAT Saturday and Mid Term next Tuesday.


Now back to SAT studying and IHOP streaming goodness :)


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