Friday, October 17, 2008

32 C today

Currently Listening:
The Grey man
You Are My Sunshine

This is ridiculous.
It's about almost a whole month into the fall season.
And I'm positive it must've hit at least 32 C today.

I'm kindof upset at the fact I was wearing a scarf and a coat last Friday cause it was so cold.

Stupid PMSing Sacramento haha.

But it's all good cause I just purchased Copeland's "You Are My Sunshine" box set!
It's one of my all time favourite bands new album/box. It comes with the album/notes/live footage/and the making of and their new music video.
If you want to hear it check out.
"The Grey Man" at
Such good music!

I'm at peet's coffee and tea now enjoying some iced green tea with honey and am about to get my hair cut. A bit above the eyebrow. So it should be nice. I'm excited, I love short hair now.

That's my Friday update, LA and Masters Uni visit in five days!!!


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