Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Blogging? (My Break From Music)

Currently Jamming To:
Blackholes and Revelations

Haven't done this for about a good year.
Thought I might wanna bring back the baseline if you know what I mean.

I think I'll mainly use this for posting new songs up and for just random ramblings.
Nothing better than long stringed out thoughts.

: ).

So I'll start out right now with my recent life happenings.

I am one week into my break from music. I am doing it for three weeks. Cause I believe that God wants me to get down to the roots of our relationship so I can find him in the secret place again. To kindof "Nudge" me into this season my wrists,shoulders, and ankles have all be in PAIN. Randomly too. So for my saftey I stopped. But then when I went to the service at the local House Of Prayer. I realized that God is doing a little interuption in my life. Cause honestly the whole gind of worship, school, and socail. Had gotton really monotonous. And I wanted something fresh.
Well God answered me there haha.
So now I'm having amazing personal times with God and He is doing a lot of renovation and taking me deeper.
So this break definitely was His will and it's a rad, good feeling you get when you know you're in God's will.
(Much to the dismay of the six different worship leaders I'm on call for)

Prayer would be nice for this Saturday. I have to play the two saturday services cause they couldn't find a replacement. There sitll might be a chance Brian Kane can play for just one more week before I start playing in his place. Which would be a hudge blessing to know I wouldn't have to strain my muscles or break my break haha.

So yeah that will be all :)

And I'm waiting patiently


1 comment:

Emma said...

Yusss. Yay for fasting things for the sake of a closer relationship with God.
It's such an awesome thing to do and really puts it into perspective.

It's cool you got a blog. I shall subscribe to it so I know whenever you post.