Sunday, December 28, 2008


Currently Listening:

Well tomorrow I am finally off "Lung Lockdown" as I like to call it.
Bittersweet though due to the fact I have an appointment with my Psychiatrist Dr. Hendren.
Whom I haven't been to in three years.
Btw if you forgot or are unaware I have a mild cause of Aspergers Syndrome. Which is a form of autism and I take madication for it.
I've been taking the same stuff for about five years and it works perfect and my body has come acustomed to it.
Unfortunately, it has side effects. These are always being Tired. (Which I always am) and Crappy memory. (Which I have). So I it's bittersweet but I'm okay with it.
Tomorrow I go in and we are going to "evaluate" me. Which alone freaks me out.
And then most likely change my medication which freaks me out alot. Cause that means a "switch" which includes getting off my current and getting on a new one. This usually involves fun stuff like withdrawls and freaking out body. Not excited at all.
And really really really apprehensive about it. Cause I have a hard enough time with missing two doseages (which is just one day. I take one in the morn and one at night)
So please pray it all goes smoothly.

God, I'm done with Doctors; first a tube and now this.
Hah, I think I'm good for the rest of 2009 on the whole doctor thing ya know?

Now for some great insomnia and moby to calm my thoughts.
Custom westone in-ears anyone?
Yes me please : ).

Music On World Off


Thursday, December 25, 2008


Currently Listening:
All Is Fulll Of Love
The Photo Album
Death Cab For Cutie

Well I'm chilling in my own bedroom.
Which is awesome considering I shouldn't've (can I do that gramatically? haha) gotton out of the hospital till tomorrow. But overnight my condition rapidly increased so I'm good. I feel great now. I think the therapy of being at home is the best cure to any problem.
Stupid lungs lol.

Anyways. No Christmas spoils to report cept Emmah's rad T-shirt which wasn't my size hahaha. But It'll still work. And I got an iHome from my bro in law and sis. Cept Yesterday my sister and mum lost my iTouch. FAIL.
So that's kindof.........ironic.
Anyways. I got my stocking full of candy, coffee, giftcard for coffee, really nice shampoo and conidtionair.

Yay. Christmas is going to be next Thursday (new years day) sense none of us shopped before my lung incedint. And we couldn't shop while I was in the hospital with "the tube" lol.

So yes, it's great to be home.

I'm going to be shopping for my three gifts this weekend too, wish me luck in finding my dad's should be a bit challenging.

On a side note, I've become intensely rusty and my electric guitar work. GAH, songs I could just dish out have become a bit hard. So I gotta work on that I bit. My jamming flow is bad.
At least I know I can just pick up my drumsticks or acoustic or bass and feel better about myself. But still, I gotta practice that sucker.
And I had to replace the A string and accidentally put an E string in its place.



Sunday, December 21, 2008

I'm Scared.

Currently Listening:
A Rush Of Blood To The Head

Basically I'm really scared right now.
I'm in such a helpless state.
I can't walk normal. I can't laugh. I can't even put pants on by myself.
And to top it off I'm hooked up to more wires than a power plant.
Am I really this fragile? Is life really this short? Just a few days ago I was laughing and dancing with some friends. I'm such a indepentant person who thinks I can get through so much on my own.
I rely so much on my own strength and thought.
Now I'm stuck to a chair and a bed smelling HORRID. With a pump sown from a white box into my chest. Keeping air from collapsing my lungs.
I'm so broken and scared right now......

Luckily I've recovered fast and I'm about to find out if the tube which was turned off this morning comes out or goes back on....

But really, I still seriously can't believe this is happening. I hate being in this position. It makes me cry.
It's so humbling and so good for me though.
Seriously I've learned such a big lesson through this and God's really taught me to lean on Him.
And to let others help.

That doesn't mean I'm not scared though. I have to many fobias of hospitals.
I hate them so much. They're just to much to handle for me. To much death to much fear to many needles and machines that bring you a false sense of life and hope. I don't think any of you understand how much I mean this phrase.

I just wanna go home....

Stood on the edge, tied to the noose
But you came along and you cut me loose.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Money Matters.

Currently Listening:
You're Fairer Than The Sons Of Man
John Thurlow
IHOP Streaming

So as of two days ago I had about 11 dollars to my name.

Unfortunately it's not March. It'd December so I was intenstely worried about making enough money for my friends and family's gifts.

On top of that I dropped my gutiar on the tile steps yesterday and that's going to cost me a bit too. And I have to repair it cause I was planning on selling next week to have my Gibson Acoustic by christmas.

This won't be happening.
But that's okay.

Anyways. I was really worried and last friday we had a guest speaker and a really good friend of mine come and speak at youth about his serving in cambodia. At the end they asked for an offering. I myself am very insecure about giving money in tithe and offering cause I know I barely make enough to get by and I litterally can't get a job. It's not me being lazy. I literally can't.

But I decided after a little prayer to give him the little I had.
Anyways the week went on and I happen to come across by surprise 15 dollars from extra gas money and thought that was cool. But I still was like "Well God I'm going to need about 200$ so I can actually give gifts to the people who bend over backwards to help and give to me".

I just got an email that I along with a few others will be blessed in the fact that I will be getting payed 50$ every weekend I play at my church. And I get a check for november. I am so overjoyed right now. I can't explain how happy I am right now in the fact that when I wake up on Christmas morning there will be a present for someone from me. Which I was seriously doubting.
And there was one other person I needed to give a gift too. And I can probably repair my guitar with decembers check. Thank God. I haven't got a legitimate paycheck from somebody in months.
And my previous job went under too. So I'm really glad God didn't leave me high and dry.

Anyways. I got the little semi formal youth dinner tomorrow night at church.
I'm pretty stoked I love dressing up. I always over due it a bit. But tomorrow night I think I'll actually stick with the semi formal-ish. Anyways, should be good. I wonder how our video turned out sense they had to almost completely re-edit it.

Anyways enough banter.

That will be all.


Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Deffinition Of My Life Right Now.

I Really, Really, Really Need A Nice Cup Of Coffee Right Now.

Currently Listening:
Nothing In My way
Under The Iron Sea

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Heart After You.

This video is getting me through today.

God Let My Heart Be Torn In Two, Till Your Will Is Mine.


Monday, December 1, 2008

The Link

listen to "The Simple Life".

Read my blog below to know why I posted this.

Please don't take these demo's to seriously by the way haha. I have horrible equipment and restricted time so I just try to make good music and have fun along the way.

Which in this one I did. haha I skatted : P.

But that's all I'll give away.

Recording Break.

Currently Listening:
The Simple Life
The Begining Demos
Taylor Fine

I'm recording my second demo right now called "The Simple Life"

It's kinda Jason Mraz-ish. I like it.

My fingers unfortunately don't, and after about six tries I decided to take a break.

Usually things go a lot smoother but this song is givin' me trouble. But that's good means it's creative.

I'm pretty sure I'll have it done today. I just have to record my Rythmn Acoustic, Lead Acoustic on Bridge (the only place there is a lead), Bass, and then lastly Vocals.

Should be a good song. I'm gunna add a tambourine to it tomorrow. I'm going to have my friend JT do it just cause he's radical and I promised him he'd always play tambourine on my songs haha.

Anyhoo, I'll post up the lyrics for you guys and then tomorrow a link to my music myspace to hear it.
It will be freely downloadable by the way. So here you go.

The Simple Life
By Taylor Fine
It seems that these days I’m lookin’ at the sky
And I wonder if at this speed, it’ll change from blue to white
Oh, everything’s just flyin past me
Whatever happened to the simple life
OH what ever happened to a simple life

(now just slow down and I’ll tell you what happened)

It all started when we were young
And all of are finger paintings began to become
Rembrandts from stick figures that caused us to laugh
Oh, our preschool chants became 32 piece orchestras with funny names, no, no, no nothin’s the same
Now I got nothin’ against growin up, I’ve got everything against trading in my cup
of orange juice for a glass of wine, oh I’m just Fine
The way I am, much to the dismay of uncle sam, I don’t drop the coin in the can
Oh, our playground fights about who’s lunch box is more outasight
Have turned into wars about politics, religion and oh my heart is sore
You say you’re so mature, you may have some facial hair but I am sure
That you never really grew up on the inside, Mr. High So high
Get off your throne, leave us common people alone, we hang up our phones
We don’t have to be involved in your hierarchy, so just go back to cutting down tree’s and pavin concrete over all our memories.
Our multiplyin’ two by two is now what does that hott blondie think about you, Oh she loves you, it’s true,
but don’t get all obsessed on all of that mess just calm down level out.
(Funk Instrumental Bridge)

It seems that these days I’m lookin’ at the sky
And I wonder if at this speed, it’ll change from blue to white
Oh, everything’s just flyin past me