Thursday, October 30, 2008

I woke up to a car accident.

My neighbor backed into my front right fender,

First off this was not my fault. I was parked right in front of my house 8 inches from the curb, nice and legally.
So yeah, it went like this

Taylor's Mum: "Taylor, You up?"
Taylor In Bed Sleeping: "yeeaaahhh"
Taylor's Mum: Well the neighbor backed into your car, it got hit.

Taylor In Bed Sleeping: "mmmmmmmk, thanks"

*Taylor depressed stays in bed cause he went to sleep at 2 AM and thinks he's still dreaming*
*Taylor goes to shower*
*Taylor goes outside to make sure it was just a dream*

Taylor sees Nice fatty cantelope size indentation with plenty o' white paint scratches and paint chips.

For those of you who knew I got in a car accident my first week of driving I'm guessing you're thinking this too.


You suuuccckkkk Buddha.

to make it better my mum is freaking out in the other room on the phone saying we're going to become a socialist country. Some people just need to take a politik break. geeehhh it bugs me I need headphones.

1 comment:

Emma said...

Hey, I just found out that while I'm in America the Phantom of the Opera is on at the Orpheum Theatre in San Fran.
You keen for a trip to see it or are you one of those people that doesn't like things like that?
I'm sooo there it's not funny.