Sunday, November 2, 2008

Long, long, very long weekend

Currently Listening:
Phil Wickham

Friday was Holloween so I went to a mates house and he had a little dance-shin-dig.

let's just say some people should not dance, and some people should work on their costumes.
as in not wearing women's clothes (tacky women's clothing at that)

geh, just wrong.

anyways. I got to wake up at six on Saturday and took the test, then I had my bud Aaron's 16th surprise birthday party. Which was freakin rad, so fun. A jamming/wrestling/eating/chilling extravaganza. Then we went to his show to support him haha.

Went to bed at about 1, but found out the clock went back so I got an "extra" hour of sleep haha. Woke up at six AGAIN for worship.
7-3 lot's of music. I swear I can still hear the click track in my head.
130 bpm 
do do do do do do do do
throbbing in my head perfectly on tempo haha. Feels good to be back.

and of course to kill the weekend I chilled with masonic for the noon' always a good time.

Btw we did one of my top three worship songs ever written today. Look up Beautiful by Phil Wickham.
It's simply astounding. I remember when I first heard it at IHOP's ATC one night. I seriously can't express how much the fourth verse of that songs means to me. [which of course is the crescendo of the entire song : )]

Now for another week, gah I have the midterm and loads of hw this week too.
Ah well Thanksgiving break will come soon : ).

I just want it to be December, no school, amazing weather, Emmah gets her little booty in the us of a finally, and Chris and Lauryn are gunna be here all that month.
Reppin the O.G.'s of G.B. Whaaat? Fosho.


hahahaha wooow I'm such a Pakeha.


1 comment:

Emma said...

sounds like a fantastic weekend.
My weekend consisted of work and study and celebrating with one of my best friends who got engaged. So boring, but so exciting at the same time.