Monday, November 24, 2008

Two Words.

12 Days.

Currently Listening:
Brothers On A Hotel Bed
Death Cab For Cutie

Right now I really don't care about my thanksgiving holiday.
or my exams in two weeks.
or all my yard work I have tomorrow
I don't care to much about my musical writing right now.
I don't really care about my plans for tomorrow.
I don't care that much about shopping on Black Friday

I do care about the fact I'm seeing my best friend in 12 Days.
12 days............still so surreal to me.
Reality will probably kick in when I give her a hug when she gets here : ).

Now I go to sleep and wake up in a new day.

Live for tomorrow you'll find today
But please don't forget to enjoy the moments along the way

yay for impromtu rhyming. I should be a rapper, I could freestyle me way Striaght Outa Compton.

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