Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Humanity and A Taylor Fine Update

Currently Listening:
I Will Posess Your Heart
Narrow Stairs
Death Cab For Cutie

I would have to say last night in retrospect was a good night.
Even though I don't think socialism is the best thing for America I have to say that I am proud of the fact the President is African American.

I mean take this into serious thought not just stereotypes.

If this man lived fifty years ago he couldn't even wash his laundry, ride a bus, or watch a movie unless it was specified "black ..." and now he is president.
ON top of that if you think it was only 70-80 years ago the Ku Klux Klan numbered at 6,000,000. And blacks and their friends were dying on burning crosses.

I am not proud to say there is a intensely far right democrat in office but I am proud to say that there is a black man in office.
Dr. King can we begin to sing "That old negro spiritual, free at last, free at last, thank God almighty we are free at last" now?

We will see what the next four years has in store. I am apprehensive about it not gunna lie.

Anyhoo, I'm enjoying beautiful cloudly chipper weather with a nice hot cup of tea with honey infront of Peets and am about to have my mtg. with my CT for my school. Turns out to get into the Uni I'm going to next year I have to have a more advanced version of Algerbra 2 done. When I heard this I was like GUTTED haha. Math is the root of all evil, not money :P. But ah well life goes on. I just gotta make it one more month and I'll have a nice break to relax and chill. So it's all gouda. I still can't believe I'm moving to a Uni next year. So ridiculous, I have to choose my major specifications too. I think I'm going to do worship leading and teaching music (as a college professor NOT high school haha). I might decide to add al ittle recording ont he side too.

Welp my CT is here time for lunch : D. Mmm organic goodness.


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