Sunday, November 9, 2008

You Have My Attention!

Currently Listening:
You Have My Attention
In Motion ("The Record With The Twig On It")

I went to see one of my top favourite bands last night along with another big fav of mine at the boardwalk (local club/bar that has good gigs)

It opened with a random band I've never heard of (as all shows do) And they were okay.
But then Lovedrug came on and it was freakin' awesome. They did a good set, I got to talk with the guy afterwards and he's a cool dude.
Signed my friends shirt :P.

Copeland was the headliner and it was almost as if they asked me which songs to do. It was seriously almost all my personal favourites. They just didn't do California. But honestly that's okay haha.
All I have to say is when he hit "The Note" in You Have My Attention to kill the night it made waiting in a cold line outside worthwhile. So amazing, the boy's go lungs.
Made me want to go home and play music. To bad it was 1 Am and I had to wake up at 8:30 haha. But none the less a great day. I then went to Apple Hill today for some food and stuff with some friends. Saw Kristina by surprise when Iw as there so that was coolio. I got home and just now finished draft 2 of "the college paper". haha it's what I have to write for Masters, so I'm doing a good job on it.

But yeah that's the past 24 hours in a nutshell.
Go Copeland and Lovedrug.

beeteedub, Emmah's actually coming to America in less than a month. So rad, so rad.


1 comment:

Emma said...

Haha well some people go for runs to think, others go to not have to think.
I just choose not to =]

Yay for coming soon.
I am INCREDIBLY jealus you saw both copeland and lovedrug live. They're pretty much two of my favourites from the music you have given me! Especially Copeland! I want more of their stuff!!!
Yay for coming in 26 days.