Monday, November 17, 2008

My Weekend Happenings (To Answer Emmah's Question)

Currently Listening:
The Great Gig In The Sky
The Dark Side Of The Moon
Pink Floyd

Well this weekend was a very eventful one. It was super rad.
Friday I finished up my application for the Uni in LA and finished the paper for it too.
Met up with my bud Kira at Coffee Republic and we chilled for a bit.

Then I popped in my car and went up to Beckye's for Fri-Sat birthday extravaganza!
I started driving at about 6:45 pm. So I'm on my way up to placerville which is like only a 45 minute drive. So it should be simple right?
I misunderstood Sarah's directions (*cough*herfault*cough*). And I take the wrong exit
I then begin to go and turn left like she says.
and I start driving........and driving..........and driving. Till it's a dark country road and there is NOTHING in sight. So I call her and found out I'm a little off course.
About thirty minutes worth.

So then I pop back on the free way and get there....about around 8 haha. So just an extra little jaunt there. I get there, we chillax have fun, beckye gets surprised. We then at about midnight put on Kate and Leopold. Which was a very good movie I liked it. We then went to bed at about 2:30 AM : D. Makes me happy.
Wake up at like 8 cause that family has people living with them and they are all very, very loud. haha. We then just take it easy that day. Go to Mels Diner for some food. and I drove home.
Sunday was chill too. I went to church, went to the new section of the mall, went out to starbucks with Lana, Rachel and the two Munzie boys. And then home.

Today I had a total stress attack and now I'm trying to calm down to Pink Floyd. I have so much on my mind and so much on my schedual it's ridiculous.
I need three things.

Boardshorts, Board, and Waves.
And I need them now.

But as for now, I'll just sit and wait till I
play That Great Gig In The Sky.

This blog is dedicated to Emmah Scott and her question of what I did this weekend.
You too can adopt a poor Kiwi child by dedicating your blogs by contacting our foundation.
Kiwi Kare.

P.S The New Header picture is one of my own : )

1 comment:

Emma said...

Oh haha you are so funny. [sarcasm]

That is a really cool picture!

Sounds like Beckye's birthday was great!
I wish I was there but i luckily get that for a whole month.