Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I've Realized

Currently Listening:
Sunburn (Timo Maas Sunstroke Remix)

and the Albums "Play" and "Hotel" by Moby

That I love experimental/electronica music.

NOT Techno.
But remix kindof stuff. Ya know like Moby, or this RAD remix of a Sunburn by Muse I have.
Moby does do like rave stuff but at the same time he'll do an alt or a blues song or a easy electronica song. So it's really cool how diverse he is.

And since I'm picking up Piano for my music major I think I'm going to start doing my own stuff once I have a decent knowledge of chords and synth stuff.

I like it cause it's great just easy listening when you're driving or staying up late.

To bad my rents are still down stairs and keep ALL the lights on. I think it's time to sneak up to my room hehe.

I'll need to put on the strobe function on my iTouch too hahahaha mini bedroom RAVE.

I'm a music geek, but I'm okay with this.

I'm Just Fine


Monday, November 24, 2008

Two Words.

12 Days.

Currently Listening:
Brothers On A Hotel Bed
Death Cab For Cutie

Right now I really don't care about my thanksgiving holiday.
or my exams in two weeks.
or all my yard work I have tomorrow
I don't care to much about my musical writing right now.
I don't really care about my plans for tomorrow.
I don't care that much about shopping on Black Friday

I do care about the fact I'm seeing my best friend in 12 Days.
12 days............still so surreal to me.
Reality will probably kick in when I give her a hug when she gets here : ).

Now I go to sleep and wake up in a new day.

Live for tomorrow you'll find today
But please don't forget to enjoy the moments along the way

yay for impromtu rhyming. I should be a rapper, I could freestyle me way Striaght Outa Compton.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Slow Dancing In A Burning Room

Currently Listening:
Slow Dancing In A Burning Room
Where The Light Is Live In Los Angeles
John Mayer

I just heard a solo made after 83' Talk, all is not lost.

If you're a musician you understand what I mean by this.

Pretty much amazing guitar solo's that "talked" for the player ceased to exist after stevie ray died and david gilmour played his last show with floyd, and when led zeppelin broke up.

Micheal knows what I mean.

But I just heard a solo made in 07' talk.

Makes me really happy.

I thought good music died when alternative pop cutlure controled music was born.

I was wrong it's alive.

Again if you're not a guitarist or one who respects guitar greatly you have no idea what I'm talking about.

But that's okay : D.

Anyways Thank you John Mayer.

yes I did just say John Mayer, check out his live solo on his new record "live in la" it's the solo on slow dancing in a burning room.
And no I never would've guessed it'd be that either

Haaaaapppyyy Taylor.

Monday, November 17, 2008

My Weekend Happenings (To Answer Emmah's Question)

Currently Listening:
The Great Gig In The Sky
The Dark Side Of The Moon
Pink Floyd

Well this weekend was a very eventful one. It was super rad.
Friday I finished up my application for the Uni in LA and finished the paper for it too.
Met up with my bud Kira at Coffee Republic and we chilled for a bit.

Then I popped in my car and went up to Beckye's for Fri-Sat birthday extravaganza!
I started driving at about 6:45 pm. So I'm on my way up to placerville which is like only a 45 minute drive. So it should be simple right?
I misunderstood Sarah's directions (*cough*herfault*cough*). And I take the wrong exit
I then begin to go and turn left like she says.
and I start driving........and driving..........and driving. Till it's a dark country road and there is NOTHING in sight. So I call her and found out I'm a little off course.
About thirty minutes worth.

So then I pop back on the free way and get there....about around 8 haha. So just an extra little jaunt there. I get there, we chillax have fun, beckye gets surprised. We then at about midnight put on Kate and Leopold. Which was a very good movie I liked it. We then went to bed at about 2:30 AM : D. Makes me happy.
Wake up at like 8 cause that family has people living with them and they are all very, very loud. haha. We then just take it easy that day. Go to Mels Diner for some food. and I drove home.
Sunday was chill too. I went to church, went to the new section of the mall, went out to starbucks with Lana, Rachel and the two Munzie boys. And then home.

Today I had a total stress attack and now I'm trying to calm down to Pink Floyd. I have so much on my mind and so much on my schedual it's ridiculous.
I need three things.

Boardshorts, Board, and Waves.
And I need them now.

But as for now, I'll just sit and wait till I
play That Great Gig In The Sky.

This blog is dedicated to Emmah Scott and her question of what I did this weekend.
You too can adopt a poor Kiwi child by dedicating your blogs by contacting our foundation.
Kiwi Kare.

P.S The New Header picture is one of my own : )

Sunday, November 9, 2008

You Have My Attention!

Currently Listening:
You Have My Attention
In Motion ("The Record With The Twig On It")

I went to see one of my top favourite bands last night along with another big fav of mine at the boardwalk (local club/bar that has good gigs)

It opened with a random band I've never heard of (as all shows do) And they were okay.
But then Lovedrug came on and it was freakin' awesome. They did a good set, I got to talk with the guy afterwards and he's a cool dude.
Signed my friends shirt :P.

Copeland was the headliner and it was almost as if they asked me which songs to do. It was seriously almost all my personal favourites. They just didn't do California. But honestly that's okay haha.
All I have to say is when he hit "The Note" in You Have My Attention to kill the night it made waiting in a cold line outside worthwhile. So amazing, the boy's go lungs.
Made me want to go home and play music. To bad it was 1 Am and I had to wake up at 8:30 haha. But none the less a great day. I then went to Apple Hill today for some food and stuff with some friends. Saw Kristina by surprise when Iw as there so that was coolio. I got home and just now finished draft 2 of "the college paper". haha it's what I have to write for Masters, so I'm doing a good job on it.

But yeah that's the past 24 hours in a nutshell.
Go Copeland and Lovedrug.

beeteedub, Emmah's actually coming to America in less than a month. So rad, so rad.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Humanity and A Taylor Fine Update

Currently Listening:
I Will Posess Your Heart
Narrow Stairs
Death Cab For Cutie

I would have to say last night in retrospect was a good night.
Even though I don't think socialism is the best thing for America I have to say that I am proud of the fact the President is African American.

I mean take this into serious thought not just stereotypes.

If this man lived fifty years ago he couldn't even wash his laundry, ride a bus, or watch a movie unless it was specified "black ..." and now he is president.
ON top of that if you think it was only 70-80 years ago the Ku Klux Klan numbered at 6,000,000. And blacks and their friends were dying on burning crosses.

I am not proud to say there is a intensely far right democrat in office but I am proud to say that there is a black man in office.
Dr. King can we begin to sing "That old negro spiritual, free at last, free at last, thank God almighty we are free at last" now?

We will see what the next four years has in store. I am apprehensive about it not gunna lie.

Anyhoo, I'm enjoying beautiful cloudly chipper weather with a nice hot cup of tea with honey infront of Peets and am about to have my mtg. with my CT for my school. Turns out to get into the Uni I'm going to next year I have to have a more advanced version of Algerbra 2 done. When I heard this I was like GUTTED haha. Math is the root of all evil, not money :P. But ah well life goes on. I just gotta make it one more month and I'll have a nice break to relax and chill. So it's all gouda. I still can't believe I'm moving to a Uni next year. So ridiculous, I have to choose my major specifications too. I think I'm going to do worship leading and teaching music (as a college professor NOT high school haha). I might decide to add al ittle recording ont he side too.

Welp my CT is here time for lunch : D. Mmm organic goodness.


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Long, long, very long weekend

Currently Listening:
Phil Wickham

Friday was Holloween so I went to a mates house and he had a little dance-shin-dig.

let's just say some people should not dance, and some people should work on their costumes.
as in not wearing women's clothes (tacky women's clothing at that)

geh, just wrong.

anyways. I got to wake up at six on Saturday and took the test, then I had my bud Aaron's 16th surprise birthday party. Which was freakin rad, so fun. A jamming/wrestling/eating/chilling extravaganza. Then we went to his show to support him haha.

Went to bed at about 1, but found out the clock went back so I got an "extra" hour of sleep haha. Woke up at six AGAIN for worship.
7-3 lot's of music. I swear I can still hear the click track in my head.
130 bpm 
do do do do do do do do
throbbing in my head perfectly on tempo haha. Feels good to be back.

and of course to kill the weekend I chilled with masonic for the noon' always a good time.

Btw we did one of my top three worship songs ever written today. Look up Beautiful by Phil Wickham.
It's simply astounding. I remember when I first heard it at IHOP's ATC one night. I seriously can't express how much the fourth verse of that songs means to me. [which of course is the crescendo of the entire song : )]

Now for another week, gah I have the midterm and loads of hw this week too.
Ah well Thanksgiving break will come soon : ).

I just want it to be December, no school, amazing weather, Emmah gets her little booty in the us of a finally, and Chris and Lauryn are gunna be here all that month.
Reppin the O.G.'s of G.B. Whaaat? Fosho.


hahahaha wooow I'm such a Pakeha.
